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Jiddu Krishnamurti

Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) was a Indian philosopher. He advocated tolerance of race, religion and nationality.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear.
  • Meditation is not a means to an end. It is both the means and the end.
  • If we can really understand the problem, the answer will come out of it, because the answer is not separate from the problem.
  • The silence of the mind is the true religious mind, and the silence of the gods is the silence of the earth.
  • Religion is the frozen thought of men out of which they build temples.
  • Neither time nor space exists for the man who knows the eternal.
Space and time are real for the man who is yet imperfect, and space is divided for him into dimensions; time, into past, present, and future.

Lewis Mumford

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