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John Keble

John Keble (1792-1866) was an English clergyman, author of the "Christian Year," born in Fairford, Gloucestershire. He studied at Oxford, and became Fellow of Oriel College in 1811. In 1827 appeared the "Christian Year," which he published anonymously. In 1831, he was appointed professor of Poetry in Oxford, and that same year issued an "Address to the Electors of the United Kingdom" against the Reform Bill. He was one of four who originated the Tractarian movement at Oxford, and was the author of several of the "Tracts for the Times". In 1835, he was presented to the vicarage of Hursley, which he held till his death. He was author of "Lyra Innocentium," and along with Newman and others of "Lyra Apostolica". The secession of Newman rather riveted than loosened his attachment to the English Church.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • And help us, this and every day,
To live more nearly as we pray.
- The Christian Year

Sarah Moore Grimke

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