Kars is a city in northeast Turkey, and was once considered to be an almost impregnable fortress on the Russo-Turkish frontier in Asia, 100 miles East of the Caspian Sea. It was successfully held by the Turks under General Williams in 1855, of which Laurence Oliphant wrote an account, but captured by Russia in 1877, and ceded to her by the Treaty of Berlin, 1878. Russia ceded Kars to the Ottoman Empire under the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on 3 March 1918. In May 1919, Kars came under the full administration of the Armenian Republic and became the capital of its Vanand province. The Treaty of Kars in 1921 established the current north-eastern boundaries of Turkey. It is a strong place, and a prize to any power that possesses it.Nearby pages
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