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Kazakhstan is a country in Central Asia. United Nations categorizes this country in South-central Asia region. The
capital city of this country is Nur-Sultan since March 2019 when the its former name Astana was changed.

Population of this country in 2003 was 15,433,000 with population density ie number of inhabitants (per square km) was 6. The surface area of Kazakhstan is 2,724,900 sq. kms and currency is tenge.

It was formerly a part of USSR. This Soviet Republic declared independence on December 16, 1991.

It is spread from the Chenese border to the Caspian Sea and is bounded by Russia, Uzbekistan and Kirghizia.

This is the second largest former Soviet Republic. The population of this country is comprised of over 100 nationalities.

This ethnically diverse country has achieved a high level of urbanization where over 60 percent people live in some or the other urban areas or settlements.

Page last modified on Sunday December 15, 2019 08:02:41 GMT-0000