Khilafat Movement was started in India under the leadership of Jamiat-ul-Ulema-e-Hind. This organisaion was an organization of Ulemas and Maulana Mohammad-ul-Hussain was its leader.
The very cause of this movement was the feeling of alienation of the Indian Muslims after the defeat of the Turkey in the first Wold War. the Khilafat of the Sultan of Turkey was in danger. After the defeat of Turkey, the Treaty of Serres dismembered the Ottoman Empire, the Jazirat-ul-Arab which included Mesopotamia, Arabia, Syria and Palestine. It resulted into the split of the holy land of the Muslims and some of its parts were placed under the non-Muslim European powers. Muslims of India demanded restoration of the temporal and spiritual jurisdiction of the Sultan of Turkey.
Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian National Congress supported this movement. In the later periods, Ali brothers (Mohammad Ali and Shaukat Ali) became leaders of Khilafat Movement.