Kunda Cave is in Chatra district of Jharkhand in India. The Cave is a part of the ruins of old Kunda palace at a distance of about three - four miles from the present Kunda Village. The palace was built perhaps at the end of 17th or beginning of the 18th century AD. The Cave is situated at a distance of about half a mile from the remains of the old Palace. This cave was probably dug shortly after the building of the Palace. A narrow path runs downwards from the southern portion of the palace and leads to the cave. A shallow stream , which can be crossed without letting the feet touch the water surface, washes the brace of the cave. The cave is at the base of a part of the hill, not so high. The entrance into the cave is very narrow. There is a central hall inside the cave, not so high. The small hollows connected with this central hall, are completely dark. A big Shivling is installed just at the middle of one of the hollows. Inside the central room of the cave, there are some carvings on the walls that looks like some written language which is yet undeciphered. In the mid of the Phalgul month, people assemble here for a festival.