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Kuseshwarasthan Bird Sanctuary

Kuseshwarasthan Bird Sanctuary is in Darbhanga district of Bihar in India. The water logged fourteen villages of Kuseshwarasthan block covering an area of 7019 acres and 75 decimals, due to their greater ecological, faunal, floral, geomorphological and natural importance has been declared as Kuseshwarasthan Bird Sanctuary under Wild Life Protection Act 1972 (as amended upto 1991).

It is known as winter capital of 15 rare and endangered species of migratory birds. The winged guests coming from over eight countries swarm the vast water bodies spread in approx 8100 hects. during winter between November and March.

It sanctuary is located between Longitude 85 degree 40' -86 degree 25' East and Latitude 25 degree 53' - 26 degree 27' North. Its height from sea level is 49 meters. It is located at approx 45 km East of Darbhanga Town.

Sanctuary Area is 6700 hects. The major birds found here are Lalshar, Dighouch, Mail, Nakta, Gairi*, Gagan*, Silli, Adhani, Harial, Chaha, Karan, Ratwa, and Gaiber (White and Black).

Biological names of these birds are Dalmation pelican, Anlinga rufa (Indian darter) Barheadedgoose, Cariva Scutulata, (White wing wood duck), Marmaroneta (Marbled teal), Baers Pochad, Sibrian Crain, Indian Skimmer, Oriental Goosanderek.

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