William Langland, or Langley’s year of birth is not certain. But it was believed that he was born in the year of1332? according to (History of English Literature written by E.Alburt ) But according to the ( story of English literature written by Anne Tibble ) claim that William Langland’s year of birth .was about 1330 in Shorpshire or Warwicshire or may be near the Celtic border .He was a poet .He wanted social justice in his society. But there were many corruptions in his society .So he started writing against corruption, exploitation, hypocrisy in priest, dishonesty in workers. His contribution was remarkable for society. He wrote The Vision of William Concerning Piers Plowman. It was a very long poem .So some scholars have doubt to his work to see the length of this poem. According to (Ifor Evans-A Short History of English Literature) the first version of this poem was about 2500 lines. It was probably written in 1362.The second version was written in 7200 lines. It was written in the year of 1377 and third version was written in 7300 lines in the year of 1392. This poem came in three forms A, B, and C. According to the length of this poem scholars agreed that the first form of this poem was genuine composition of Langland and the other two was written by others. This poem were printed in sixteenth century .But edited version of this poem was came in 1886.This poem was the last poem in traditional way of writing in English .That poem was alliterative and non –rhymed verse. He wanted to tell the truth of the life of fourteenth century to the public. He described all part of life through this poem. He lived in Cornhill with family. And he died in about 1400? Another great writer was ((John Gower)) His contribution in English literature was remarkable in fourteenth century.