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Li Po

Li Po (701-762) was a Chinese poet who is regarded as the greatest poets of pre-twentieth China. His poems are calm, sunny, spontaneous, and often playful and hyperbolic. He had trouble with the government and therefore had to travel from one place to the other.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Clean is the autumn wind,
Splendid the autumn moon,
The blown leaves are heaped and scattered,
The ice-cold raven starts from its roost.
Dreaming of you - when shall I see you again?
On this night sorrow fills my heart.
  • If you were to ask me why I dwell among green mountains,
I shall laugh silently ; my soul is serene.
The peach-blossom follows the moving water,
There is another heaven and earth beyond the world of men.
- Conversation in the Mountains
  • The world is like a great empty dream,
Why should one toil away one's life ?

Abd al Hamid

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