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!Malta Malta is a country, Region - Southern Europe, Capital - Valletta, Population in 2003 - 394,000, Population density - 1,248 per sq km, Surface area - 316 sq km, and Currency - lira. It is an island in the Mediterranean, 80 m. south of Sicily. The island is treeless, and with few streams, but fertile, and has many wells. Wheat, potatoes, and fruit are largely cultivated, and filigree work and cotton manufactured. The people are industrious and thrifty; population is the densest in Europe. The Roman Catholic Church is very powerful. There is a university at Valetta, and since 1887 Malta has been self-governing. MALTA (with Gozo) was formerly under British control. was strongly fortified and a most important naval station, head-quarters of the British Mediterranean fleet, and coaling-station for naval and mercantile marine with a history of great interest. Malta was annexed to Britain in 1814.

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