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Manus are the progenitors, rulers and protectors of the earth. In Hindu mythology, there are fourteen Manus. The period in which they rule are called Manvantar. The fourteen Manus are - 1. Svayambhuva, 2. Svarochish, 3. Uttam or Auttami, 4. Tamas, 5. Raivat, 6. Chakshush, 7. Vaivasvat, 8. Savarni, 9. Dakshasavarni, 10. Brahmasavarni, 11. Dharmasavarni, 12. Rudrasavarni, 13. Rauchyadevasavarni, and 14. Indrasavarni.

Six of the Manus have already passed and the seventh one is ruling presently.

Page last modified on Friday March 15, 2019 09:47:42 GMT-0000