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Mary McCarthy

Mary McCarthy (1912-1989) was a US writer, novelist, essayist, and social critic. She is famous for her novel The Group.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • You mustn't force sex to do the work of love or love to do the work of sex.
- The Group
  • America is indeed a revelation, though not quite the one that was planned. Given a clean slate, man, it was hoped, would write the future. Instead, he has written his past.
- America the Beautiful
  • In violence, we forget who we are.
- On the Contrary
  • The only form of action open to a child is to break something or strike someone, its mother or another child; it cannot cause things to happen in the world.
- On the Contrary
  • An unrectified case of injustice has a terrible way of lingering, restlessly, in the social atmosphere like an unfinished question.
- On the Contrary

Eugene Ionesco

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