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Mehrangarh fort is about 5km from Jodhpur Town in Rajsathan (India). It was founded by Rao Jodha in 1459 AD when he shifted his capital from Mandore. It crowns a perpenducular cliff and overlooks the city below. The palace is intricately adorned with long carved panels and latticed windows exquisitely wrought from red sandstone. The apartments within include the Moti mahal (Pearl Palace), Phool Mahal (Flower Palace), Sheesh Mahal (Mirror Palace), Sileh Khana and Daulat Khana with a rich varied collection of palanquins, howdas, royal cradles, miniature paintings of various schools, folk music, instruments, costumes, furniture and an impressive armoury.

Page last modified on Sunday October 28, 2007 02:55:46 GMT-0000