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Menander (342-291 B.C.) was a Greek comic poet, born at Athens, was the pupil of Theophrastus and a friend of Epicurus. Menander is considered as the most gifted play-write of Greece. Of his works, which were numerous, we have only some fragments, but we can judge of them from his imitator Terence. He wrote more than hundred plays. He in known for more realistic representation of human life.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Love blinds all men alike, both the reasonable and the foolish.
- Andria
  • Marriage , to tell the truth, is an evil, but it is a necessary evil.
- Fragment
  • There is nothing worse than a woman - even a good woman.
- Fragment
  • Whom the gods love dies young.
- The Double Deceiver

Shang Yang

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