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!MONTENEGRO Montenegro is a country in Europe. Its capital is Podgorica. It is bounded by Bosnia and Herzegovina in the North-West, Serbia in tha North-East, Albania in the South-East, and Adriatic Sea in the South-West. A small boundary in the West is of Croatia. It is a Balkan State, less than half the size of Wales, lying in a wild mountainous region between Herzegovina and Albania, and touching the Adriatic Sea with its SW. corner only. The climate is severe in winter, mild in summer. The soil is sterile, but is industriously tilled, and patches of arable land on the mountain sides and in the valleys yield maize, oats, potatoes, and tobacco. Cattle and sheep are reared in large numbers; vines and mulberries are cultivated round the lake, whose waters abound in fish. Cattle, hides, and cheese are the exports. The Montenegrins are a primitive people; the men hunt and fight, the women work. They are mostly of the Greek Church, and noted for their morality. The government is patriarchal, with a prince at the head. Education and road-making have recently advanced. The towns are mere villages. Chief towns are Cetinje, once the capital; Antivari and Dulcigno, the Adriatic ports.

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