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Mustard (Brassica juncea) is a major oilseed crop. Its seeds are reddish or brownish in colour and pungent in taste. Rapeseed (Brassica campestris) is a variant seed of yellow colour. Oil yielding rapes and mustards belongs to the genus Brassica and there is one more genus comes under this group which is called Eruca sativa and locally known as taramira or rocket in India.

The genus Brassica comprises of two distinct types:

i. Autogamous: Yellow sarson, brown sarson – tora type and Indian mustard.

ii. Allogamous: Brown sarson – Lotni type, toria and taramira.

In addition to above species of Brassica, India has recently introduced two important new species of Brassica viz., Brassica napus and Brassica Carinata for cultivation. Rai is the largest grown species in India. There are also other species of mustard, ie black mustard, white mustard, hedge mustard etc.

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