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Natan Zach

Natan Zach (1930-2020) was an Israeli poet born in Germany. He was a professor of Hebrew and comparative literature at the University of Haifa. He is known for his role in liberating Israeli poetry from traditionalism. He was awarded the Israel Prize in 1995 for poetry.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Give me what the tree has and what it would not lose
and give me the power to lose what the tree has.
- Give Me What the Tree Has
  • The painter paints, the storyteller tells his story,
the sculptor sculpts
the poet, however, doesn't poetize,
he's a mountain by the roadside, or a tree, or a scent,
something already passed, something that was
but won't be again...
something which leaves behind something.
- The Painter Paints

Hassan al-Turabi

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