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New Brunswick

New Brunswick is a South East province of Canada, presents a long foreshore to the Gulf of St. Lawrence on the North East and to the Bay of Fundy on the South East, while directly East lies Nova Scotia, to which it is joined by the isthmus of Chignecto. The surface is diversified by numerous lakes, magnificent forests of pine and other woods, and the fertile valleys of the Rivers St. John, Restigouche, and Miramichi. Timber has been the chief export, but only less valuable are its fisheries, while shipbuilding is also an important and growing industry. Coal is mined in good quantities, and the chief towns, St. John, Portland, and Fredericton (capital) are busy centres of iron, textile, and other factories. The climate is subject to extremes of heat and cold, but is healthy. Many of the inhabitants are of French origin, for New Brunswick formed part of the old French colony of Acadia.

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