Nicaragua is a country, Region - Central America, Capital - Managua, Population in 2003 - 5,466,000, Population density - 42 per sq km, Surface area - 130,000 sq km and Currency - gold córdoba.
It is the largest and richest of five republics occupying Central America, stretches across the isthmus from the Pacific to the Caribbean Sea, between Honduras (N.) and Costa Rica (S.); the Cordilleras traverse the heart of the country, and the immense valleys of the W. are remarkable for the two great southern lakes, Nicaragua and Managua, which are studded with volcanic islands; rich in gold, silver, copper, and coal, with vast forests of mahogany, rosewood, &c., splendid pastures and a fertile soil; the country has through misgovernment and a bad climate remained in a backward state; in recent times more has been done; hides, bananas, coffee, and india-rubber are the chief exports, and a considerable deal of mining goes on.
Nicaragua asserted its independence from Spain in 1821, and has since been rent by countless revolutions.