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North Korea is a country in East Asia. It is officially known as The Democratic People's Republic of Korea that occupies the northern part of Korean peninsula. Its capital city is P'yongyang. Population of this country in 2003 was 22,664,000 with a population density ie number of inhabitants (per square km) 188. Its surface area is 120,538 sq kms and currency is won. The princiapal language of this country is Korean. During the Second World war Russia occupied Northern part of Korea while USA occupied the Southern part of Korea. At the Potsdam Conference, the 38th parallel of latitude was recognised as the line of division between the occupied areas of Russia and America. North Korea was thereafter formed into the Democratic People's Republic of Korea on Sept. 9, 1948. All the industries are nationalised by the government and all the lands were acquired and redistributed amon the peasants. Agriculture was thereafter collectivised. Several proposals for talks between North and South Koreas on reunification have been made since 1980. However, they failed.

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