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1. By "TryXyz" we mean trying anything reasonable and lawful on this website.

2. We are against the activities like gambling, sex trade, or any such immoral, unethical, or harmful activities for the society at large.

3. We are against any other illegal and immoral activities which are prohibited or punishable under any law of any country whatsoever.

4. We are against any other activities that are harmful to public but are not yet declared punishable or prohibited under law.

5. Objective of this site is to enable people as world citizen free of bias against mankind or any other creature whatsoever. We just want to make people well-informed on various matters concerning human being.

Privacy Policy
We do not collect any private information from any person unless one becomes a registered user in this International Community Network or any of the sections of this website. If a registered user makes some contribution we show username as contributor. Revelation of any private information is the prerogative of the user, not of ours.

General Policy
We honour standard lawful practices of web communities from all over the world.

Tryxyz.com does not warrant that the information contained in the web site is complete. Therefore, we request our readers to consider this fact before the information is used. As for accuracy of knowledge or information it contains, we request our readers to note the general human incapability of complete knowledge. One should take note of the fact that our contributors are not all-knowing people, but they are responsible and knowledgeable people making all efforts on their own to make the society well-informed on various matters concerning human beings. Errors may have cropped in inadvertently despite or our being careful about accuracy of information. Opinions expressed by our contributors are not necessarily the opinions of TryXyz. Opinions are subject to fair criticism, and we encourage our readers to make their own well-informed opinions before they decide to implement or use any information or opinion. Therefore, be careful in using the information our network sites contain. We shall not be liable whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of its use.

Dr Gyan Pathak
gyan.pathak at gmail.com

Page last modified on Monday October 21, 2024 17:11:52 GMT-0000