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Petronius (c. 27 - 66), full name Gaius Petronius Arbiter or Titus Petronius Niger, was a Roman satirist and accomplished voluptuary at the court of Nero, his advisor in matters of luxury and extravagance, and the director-in-chief of the imperial pleasures. He had also been give an unofficial title - arbiter elegantiae, however, later he was accused of treason, and dreading death at the hands of the emperor his master, he opened his veins, and by bandaging them bled slowly to death, showing the while the same frivolity as throughout his life. He left behind him a work, extant now only in fragments, but enough to expose the abyss of profligacy in which the Roman world was then sunk at that crisis of its fate. Gaius Petronius was the author of the Satyricon.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • He hath joined the great majority.
- Satyricon
  • From a man's face , I can read his character; if I can see him walk, I know his thoughts.
- Satyricon

Tranquillus Suetonius

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