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Tertullian (c.160 - 240), full name Quintus Septimius Florens Tergullian was a church leader and prolific author during the early years of Christianity. He was one of the Latin Fathers, born at Carthage, the son of a Roman centurion. He was well educated, bred a rhetorician, was converted to Christianity, became presbyter of Carthage, and embraced Montanist views, wrote numerous works, apologetical, polemical, doctrinal, and practical, the last of an ascetic tendency. He was a controversial person within the Church. He is also known as the Father of the Latin Church.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Certum est quia impossible. ( It is certain because it is impossible.)
- De Carne Cristi
  • A god does not change his ways.
- The Christian's Defense
  • Nothing is more foreign to us Christians than politics.
- The Christian's Defense
  • Where our work is, there let our joy be.
- Women's Dress

Chung-chang Tung

Page last modified on Monday December 6, 2021 15:45:17 GMT-0000