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Rabia al-Adawiyya

Rabia al-Adawiyya (c. 717-801), popularly known as Rabia the Mystic, was an Iraqi Sufi poet and mystic. This saint was known for poetry on divine love and religious topics. He died in Jerusalem and his tomb was a centre of pilgrimage during Middle ages.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Conceal your good deeds as you conceal your evil deeds.
  • I have not served God from fear of God... or love of Paradise... but of only for the love of Him and the desire for Him.
  • Love of God hath so absorbed me that neither love nor hate of any other thing remains in my heart.
  • My Lord,
if I worship Thee from fear of Hell
burn me in Hell.
And if I worship Thee from hope of Paradise
exclude me thence.
But if I worship Thee
for Thine own sake alone
do not withhold from me Thine
External Beauty.
- Two Prayers
  • My love for God leaves no room for hating Satan.


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