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Rasa'il al-Kindi

Rasa'il al-Kindi (810-873) was an Arab philosopher, astronomer and physician. He is considered the first Islamic philosopher to develop doctrine of the Spirit (or the Mind). He was also the first physician who applied mathematics to medicine as measuring doses.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • The physician who is not wise is himself ill.
  • The noblest in quality and highest in rank of all human activities is philosophy. ...The philosopher's aim in his theoretical studies is to ascertain the truth; in his practical knowledge, to conduct himself in accordance with that truth.
  • O you, foolish man, don't you realise that your sojourn here on earth is but for a glance, after which you return to the real world, the world in which you stay for ever and ever? Verily, you are nothing but a passerby, following the will of your Creator - the mighty, the majestic.
  • We should never be ashamed to approve truth or acquire it, no matter what its source might be, even if it might have come from foreign people and alien nations far removed from us. To him who seeks truth, no other object is higher in value. Neither should truth be under-rated, nor its exponent belittled. For indeed, truth abases none and ennobles all.

Li Shang-yin

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