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Sa'di of Shiraz

Sa'di of Shiraz (c. 1184-1292), also Al-Din Mahmud or Shabistari, was a Persian poet. He was descendent of Ali the son-in-law of prophet Muhammad. He is considered greatest didactic poet of Persia. His famous works are Gulistan and Bustan.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • He knows not the value of a day of pleasure who has not seen adversity.
  • Had but my deeds been like my words, ah, then
I had been numbered too with holy men.
- Gulistan
  • The pretender sees no one but himself,
Because he has the veil of conceit in front;
If he were endowed with a God-discerning eye,
He would see that no one is weaker than himself.
- Gulistan
  • Take warning in the mischance of others, that others may not take warning of thine.
- Gulistan
  • The spider is the chamberlain in the Palace of the Caesars,
The owl is the trumpeter on the battlements of Afrasiyah
From point comes a line, then a circle;
When the circuit of this circle is complete,
Then the last is joined to the first.
- Gulistan
  • Whoever has his foe at his mercy, and does not kill him, is his own enemy.
- Gulistan
  • There is no occasion for our rejoicing at a foe's death,
because our own life will also not last forever.
- Gulistan
  • Fate is not altered by a thousand sighs,
Complain or render thanks -
arrive it will.
- Gulistan
  • Dread not events unknown, and be not downhearted, for the fountain of the water of life is involved in obscurity.
  • Be thou good thyself, and let people speak evil of thee;
it is better than to be wicked, and that they should consider thee as good.
- Gulistan
  • To the eye of enmity, virtue appears the ugliest blemish.
- Gulistan
  • There is no real coming and going,
For what is going but coming ?
- Gulistan
  • The rose and the thorn, and sorrow and gladness are linked together.
  • Who grasps with his first one who has an arm of steel injures only his own powerless wrist. Wait till inconstant fortune ties his hand, then... pick out his brains.
- Gulistan
  • Deep in the sea are riches beyond compare,
But if you seek safety, it is on the shore.
  • Nothing is so good for an ingnorant man as silence,
and if he knows this, he would no longer be ignorant.
- Gulistan
  • When have you seen in the whole world
Who ever once acquired pleasure without pain?
Who, in attaining all his desires,
Has remained at his height of perfection?
- Gulistan
  • A tyrant does not remain in the world;
But the curse on him abides forever!
- Gulistan
  • Gnats an elephant can quell if they,
unite against their foe, so huge and grim.
And ants collected in one huge array,
though fierce a lion be, will vanquish him.
- Gulistan
  • The most malignant of enemies is the lust which abides within.
  • Oh friend! Exercise humility to a stern enemy,
For gentleness makes blunt the cutting sword.
- Bustan
  • After carrying and collecting like the ant,
Enjoy - before the grave worm devours thee.
- Bustan
  • One in whose head is conceit,
Think not that he will ever listen to truth.
- Bustan
  • Humility is the embroidery of chiefs.
- Pandnama

Lady Nii

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