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Sarah Josepha Hale

Sarah Josepha Hale (1788-1879) was an American writer. She was first US female magazine editor. She edited Ladies' Magazine in 1828 which was bought by publisher Louis Godey and changed to Godey Lady's Book (1837). It was one of the most popular women's magazines of the time. She had conservative feminist views.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • What has made this nation great? Not its heroes but its households.
  • There can be no education without leisure; and without leisure, education is worthless.
  • There is something in the decay of nature that awakens thought, even in the most trifling mind.
  • So far as the human mind can shake off selfishness and act from a sacred regard to truth, justice and duty, so far will men not only be virtuous, but fearless in virtue.
- The Apparition, Sketches of American Character


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