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Satish Chandra Pakrashi was a revolutionary freedom fighter of India. Born 1894 at Madhabdi, Dacca, Bangladesh, s/o Jagadish Pakrashi, while a school student took part in anti partition movement in 1906. Joined Anusheelan Samity, Dacca branch. Arrested in 1911 for 1 years under arms act. After release went underground and took part in 3 major actions. A) Attempt on the life of Basanta Chatterjee, Dy. Supdt. I.B> police, Calcutta on 25th November 1915. B). While in Malda , a headmaster in school was inflicted death punishment for his nefarious activity as a police informer. C) While in Guhati, Assam , broke out of Police Cordon and escaped to safety. Finally after 6 years underground he was arrested in February 1918 and released in January 1921 again arrested in 1923 and detained till 1928 after release started preparing for Arm Uprising in 3 places in Chittagong , Barisal and Calcutta .while engaged in this work he was arrested from Mechuabazar street on 19.12.1929 together with Niranjan Sen and Raman Biswas.Sentenced to 7 years transportation in June 1930. deported to the Andamans. Took part in first hunger strike of 1933,May. Repatriated in 1937. Released in 1938 . Arrested again and released in 1942. Total jail period more than period more that December 1973. His reminiscence of the 'Agniyuger Katha' was highly acclaimed by the public.

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