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Shankaracharya (788-820), also Sankara or Shankara, was an Indian Hindu philosopher and reformer who is considered one of the greatest Indian thinkers, the leader of one of the most famous Vedanta school of thought called 'Advaitavad' (non-dualism). He founded four monasteries in the four corners of India. He wrote commentaries on Upanishads, Brahma Sutra, and Bhagvadgita. He explored mainly non-dualistic elements in all his commentaries.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Cooking is impossible without fire, and liberation is impossible without knowledge.
  • A man weeps on dreaming of the death of a living friend, and rejoices on dreaming of a dead friend come to life; griefs and joys of the waking state may last longer, but in eternity these are as unreal as those of the dreams.

Kasa No Iratsume

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