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Shivaganga is a pond in Deoghar in Jharkhand state of India. The old name of Shivaganga is Varvoghar kund. It is situated just 200 metres away from the Baidyanath temple. According to the legend, when Ravana was taking the lingam to Lanka, he felt the urge for urination. He handed over the lingam to a brahmin and went for urintation. After urination, he needed to wash his hands and be purified before holding the lingam. When he did not find any water source nearby, he made a blow with his fist on the earth and water came out and formed a pond. This pond is now known as Shivaganga. According to another mythological story, Ashwini Kumaras, the doctors of gods, bathed in this tank and cured themselves from diseases. Taking bath into the Shivaganga is considered equivalent to taking bath into the Holy Ganga.

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