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Sir Henry Havelock

Sir Henry Havelock (1795-1857) was a British general, born at Bishop Wearmouth. He entered the army in 1815, and embarked in the service for India in 1823. He served in the Afghan and Sikh Wars, as also in Persia. On the outbreak of the Mutiny in 1857 in India, he was sent to the relief of Cawnpore and Lucknow, the latter of which places he entered on 25th September, where, being beleagured, he entrenched himself in the Residency, and held his own until November, when Sir Colin Campbell came to his relief, but his health had been undermined from his anxieties, and he died on the 22nd of that month. For his services on this occasion a baronetcy and a pension of £1000 was conferred on him, but it was too late, and the honour with the pension was transferred to his son. He was a Christian soldier, and a commander of the Puritan type.

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