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Sun Temple

The Sun Temple at Deo is the most famous religious place in Aurangabad district of Bihar in India. It is situated at about 18 km from Aurangabad town and is popularly known as Deo Surya Mandir. The temple is archaeologically important. The height of the temple is 100 ft and is built with stone fitted into iron clamps. Its door opens in the west. The structure is in Nagar style and is a wonderful example of stone art. The deity in the sanctum sanctorum represents the trinity - Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh. In the morning, the Sun is Brahma; in the noon, Siva; and in the evening Vishnu. There are several other idols of different gods in the premises.

According to tradition, the present temple was built in 1236. However, one Major Kitto has said that it was built sometime in 1548.

There is a pond near the temple at about a distance of 500 metre. It is known as Surya Kund. This pond is older than the temple. It is said that the water of this pond possesses some medicinal properties. According to a mythological story, the king Ail of Prayag was once traveling through the region. He felt nature's call, but there was no water there. His men went in search of water and found some water in a large puddle. The took water in a pot and returned. The king used the water for cleansing, which also cured him of leprosy he was suffering from. He became very happy and stayed there in the night. He happened to have a dream in the night. The Sun god was said to have come in the dream who told him that the idols are lying in the very puddle. The king got the idols out from the puddle and got the sun temple built here. As per this story of the Bhagavat Mahapuran, the place was famous as a temple much earlier than the present structure of the temple. The temple existed here in Treta Yug, as per the story.

Another story relates that this temple was originally built by Bhagawan Vishwakarma along with Rudra Temple at Umga and Siva temple of Dev Kund on the same night.

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