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Syncretism is the name given to an attempted blending of different, more or less antagonist, speculative or religious systems into one. Syncretism is also bringing together beliefs from several different and often contradictory schools of thought.

Such an effort can be traced to all societies, religions and cultures. It is due to these efforts many aspects have been incorporated that were not earlier a part of certain religion or culture.

Mainstream Christianity for instance, has incorporated much Judaic thought, and also picked up practices along the way that were not a part of early Christianity. When celebrating Christmas with Christmas trees, and feasts, people hearken back to Pagan rituals that were swept up and incorporated into Christianity in an effort to convert non-Christians.

If you hunt Easter eggs at Easter, you’re not only celebrating the resurrection of Christ but also adding Greek and Roman pagan ritual to your beliefs as a Christian.

Catholic and Protestant or Lutheran and Reformed are another example.

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