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Tamerlane (1336-1405), , also Timur or Timur-i-Lang, was a Turkish conqueror, was called "Timur Lang" (Lame Timur) because of injuries he received in the leg in wars. This great Asiatic conqueror was born at Hesh, near Samarcand. He was the son of a Mongol chief, raised himself by military conquest to the throne of Samarcand (1369). Inspired by lust of conquest began his series of military invasions which enabled him to build up an empire that at the time of his death extended from the Ganges to the Grecian Archipelago. He conquered Transoxiana and dominated it during (1360-70). He led Turk and Mongol armies. He conquered Persia in 1392. It was during the reign of the last king of the Tughlaq dynasty that the mighty king Timur invaded India in AD 1398. He crossed Indus and captured Multan, and just walked over to Delhi without much resistance. He also defeated Ottomans and Mamluks in 1402. He died trying to conquer China, whilst leading an expedition. He was a typical Asiatic despot, merciless in the conduct of war, but in peace-time a patron of science and art, and solicitous for his subjects' welfare.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • It is necessary to a king that he adhere to justice in all his actions, and that he receive into his service ministers who are just and virtuous. ... If the minister be unjust and cruel, it shall be speedily come to pass that the edifice of his master's power and dominion shall be leveled with the earth.

Geoffrey Chaucer

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