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Thales (c. 624 — c. 545 BC) of Miletus, flourished about the close of the 7th century B.C., was a Greek philosopher, mathematician, sceintist, and astronomer. He was among one of the seven sages of ancient Greece, a philosopher of the physical school, and the father of philosophy in general, whom Aristotle judged to be the founder of physical science. He is also credited with founding geometry, and was the first to seek and find within Nature an explanation of Nature. He proposed that water was the primary substance from which all things were derived.

Known as the first Greek philosopher, scientist and mathemaician, but he was also an engineer. Unfortunately, his works did not survive and therefore no one knows about his exact contribution to the society. We know about him through the writings of others great personalities. "The principle of all things is water," he says, and also that "all comes from water, and to water all returns".

Wisdom & Quotes

  • Water is the principle, or the element, of all things. All things are water.
- quoted in Plutarch, Placita Philosophorum


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