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Tiberius (42 BC - AD 37), full name Tiberius Caesar Augustus, born Tiberius Claudius Nero, was the second Roman emperor, born at Rome. He was of the Claudian family, became the step-son of Augustus, who, when he was five years old, had married his mother. He was himself married to Agrippina, daughter of Agrippa, but was compelled to divorce her and marry Augustus's daughter Julia, by whom he had two sons, on the death of whom he was adopted as the emperor's successor, whom, after various military services in various parts of the empire, he succeeded A.D. 14. His reign was distinguished by acts of cruelty, specially at the instance of the minister Sejanus, whom out of jealousy he put to death. He was given up to debauchery, he was suffocated in a fainting fit by the captain of the Prætorian Guards in A.D. 37, and succeeded by Caligula. It was during his reign Christ was crucified.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • To be a good shepherd is to shear the flock, not skin it!
- favourite proverbial saying, quoted in Suetonius , Lives of Caesars

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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