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Toponyms can be both place names, real or imaginary, as well as names derived from places or regions.

Toponyms are found in many different arenas of industry, enterprise, culture, and current events. It is not unusual to find toponyms used for places that recall other places, as well as wars, treaties and agreements, bands, food, and fabric, among other items.

For example, there are many places beginning with the word new that are toponyms named to recall or honor other places.

New Delhi named after Delhi, New Hampshire named after Hampshire, New Jersey named for the Isle of Jersey in the English Channel, New Mexico recalling Mexico, New York after York, Nova Scotia which means “New Scotland" after Scotland.

There are also a number of toponymic places named after rivers, including the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Mississippi, Ohio, and the provinces of Saskatchewan and Yukon. The province of Ontario is named after Lake Ontario.

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