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Tughlakabad was the fourth city of ((Delhi)). In the 1320s Ghiasuddin Tughlak, a Turk governor who had his strong hold in the western provinces invaded Delhi, and won it from Nasiruddin Mohammed (a Pawar Rajput who had adopted Islam and had gained kinghood by slaining the last Khilji ruler). Tughlak, known as a headstrong tyrant, created the fouthe city of Tughlakabad. He created a fort here. The splendid ruins still remain. His descendant Mohammad Tughlak also raised a city called Jahanpanah, which largely comprised a walled enclosure between Qila Rai Pithora and Siri. This is sometimes called the fifth city of Delhi. Tughlakabad, however, continued to be the main city, and therefore, Jahanpanah never got the prestige of the fifth city. There were eleven rulers from the Tughlak dynasty but only the first three generations were interested in architecture-raising mosques, caravansarais, madrasas and laying canals.

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