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Tulsidas (1523-1624) was a saint poet and philosopher of India. His works greatly influenced Indian devotionalism. He reinterpreted the Ramayana of Valmiki in the epic Sri Ramcharitamanas. He was the leading light of the Rama cult. He set before the people the image of Sri Rama as all virtuous, all powerful, the Lord of the World, and the very embodiment of the Supreme Reality (Parabrahma).

Wisdom & Quotes

  • My lot is low, my purpose high; but I am confident of one thing.
That the God will be gratified to hear me, though fools may laugh.
- Ramcharitmanas
  • If my homely speech and poor wit are subjects for their laugh,
Good that they laugh, but for no fault of mine.
- Ramcharitmanas

Uyesugi Kenshin

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