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!Uruguay Uruguay is a country, Region - South America, Capital - Montevideo, Population in 2003 - 3,415,000, Population density - 19 per sq km, Surface area - 175,016 sq km, and Currency - peso. It is the smallest State in South America and a republic, formerly called Banda Oriental; lies between the Atlantic and the Uruguay River, and is bounded on the S. by the estuary of the Plata; Its area is little more than one-third the size of France; the mineral wealth is abundant; the soil is largely uncultivated, and the land is mostly given over to pasture, cattle-rearing and sheep-farming being the chief industries, and the chief products and exports being hides, wool, preserved meats, and similar articles of commerce. The people are mostly natives of mixed race, with some 30 per cent. of Europeans; primary education is compulsory; there are numerous schools, and a university, and though the established religion is Roman Catholic, all others are tolerated.

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