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Vashishtha, according to an Indian mythological story, was a mind-born son of Brahma, the Lord of creation.

Vashishtha, once, called upon by his father to assume the role of a family priest in relation to the kings of the solar race. Finding him reluctant to accept this position, which was rather humiliation, Brahma tried to persuade him by the argument that the Lord Himself would appear in that line in the Tretayug and that he would automatically secure the enviable position of the Lord's own family priest and preceptor and live on most intimate terms with Him.

According to the order of sequence originally determined, Dvapar (literally, the second Yug) was to follow Satyayug and Treta (literally, the third yug) was to come next.

Vashishtha, however, was too impatient to wait for a couple of Yugs and accordingly changed their order or sequence. It was under His dispensation that Treta followed Satyayug and Dvapar succeeded Treta.

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