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Vicomte de Turenne

Vicomte de Turenne (1611 - 1675) was a famous marshal of France, born at Sedan of noble parentage. He was trained in the art of war under his uncles Maurice and Henry of Nassau in Holland, and entered the French service in 1630 under the patronage of Richelieu. He gained great renown during the Thirty Years' War. During the wars of the Fronde first sided with the "Frondeurs," but subsequently joined Mazarin and the court party. He crushed his former chief Condé, invaded successfully the Spanish Netherlands, and so brought the revolt to an end. Became Marshal-General of France in 1660, and subsequently conducted to a triumphant issue wars within Spain (1667), Holland (1672), and during 1674 conquered and devastated the Palatinate, but during strategical operations conducted against the Austrian general Montecuculi was killed by a cannon-ball.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • God is always on the side of the big battalions.
- attributed

Anne Bradstreet

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