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Wales is one of the three divisions of Great Britain. It is 135 miles in length and from 37 to 95 miles in breadth, and bounded on the North-West and South by the sea. It is divided into counties, of which form North Wales and South Wales. It is a mountainous country, intersected by beautiful valleys, which are traversed by a number of streams. It is largely agricultural. It has mines of coal and iron, lead and copper, as well as large slate-quarries, which are extensively wrought. The Church of England is the church established, but the majority of the people were Nonconformists in the beginning of 20th century, and the 2021 census recorded 46.5 per cent had "No religion". It is represented in Parliament by 30 members. The natives are Celts, and the native language Celtic, which is still the language of a goodly number of the people.

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