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Wancho is a tribe of India. This community lives in Arunachal Pradesh. Wanchos inhabit the western part of Tirap district, bordering Nagaland. They are a carefree, cheerful and hard-working people. Tattooing is a social custom among them. They believe in the existence of two powerful deities, Rang and Baurang. Head hunting was customary with them in the old days. It was connected with many of the social activities of the tribe. They are divided into four classes the Wanghams (chiefs), the Wangpana, the Wangaue and Wangaas. They have a strict sense of discipline and the law and order of the society is maintained by a village council. The entire tribe is divided into about forty confederacies of villages. The women are good weavers but the art is restricted to the members of the chief’s families only. They are also expert in wood carving.

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