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Wang Yang-ming

Wang Yang-ming (1472-1529) was a Chinese philosopher and Ming dynasty official. He was neo-confucianist who founded school of 'idealism'. He said that cultivation of intuitive knowledge led to understanding of Confucian truths, not to study of the Confucian classics.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • People today distinguish between knowledge and action and pursue them separately, believing that one must know before he can act. …They say ( they will wait ) till they truly know before putting their knowledge into practice. Consequently, to the end of their lives, they will never act and also will never know.
- Instructions for Practical Living
  • Perhaps immortality is a gift of heaven rather than the result of some human effort.
- Wang Wen-ch'eng kung chu'an-shu
  • Knowledge and action are really two words describing the same one effort.
  • (Love) is like a tree which shows the first signs of growth when the shoot blossoms.
- Wang Wen-ch'eng kung chu'an-shu

Caesar Borgia

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