Wind is another name for air. It is air in motion. From still (no wind) to a breeze (slight wind) to a gale (mighty wind). The term given to any natural movement of air in the atmosphere. It is also a renewable source of energy used to turn turbines to generate electricity.In Science and meteorology, this atmospheric motion is characterized by direction and speed. The direction of the wind is the direction from which the wind approaches the station (Example Northerly wind – Wind approaching the station from North). There are three types of wind which is considered in meteorology Gales, Squall, and Gust.
Gales: A gale is a very strong wind (34 to 47 knots)
Squall: A sudden increase of wind speed by atleast 3 stages on the Beaufort Scale, the speed rising to force 6 or more, and lasting for atleast one minute is called a squall
Gust: A rapid increase in the strength of the wind relative to the mean strength at the time
According to Indian mythology, there are 49 varieties of winds, each presided over by a distinct god.
These gods are collectively called the Maruts.
In the ordinary course it is only at the time of universal dissolution of the universe, all these winds are let loose by the god of destruction.
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