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Yamamoto Isokuru

Yamamoto Isokuru (1884-1943) was a Japanese imperial Admiral. He was initially opposed to Japan entering World War II, however, he planned and directed the attack on Pearl Harbour (1941). His forced defeated in the battle of Midway (1942) and was killed when his plane was shot down over Solomon Islands.

Wisdom & Quotes

  • I fear that we have only awakened a sleeping giant, and his reaction will be terrible.
- after the attack on Pearl Harbour (December 7, 1941)
  • I wonder what Heaven must think of the people down here on this small black speck in the universe that is earth, or of all their talk about the last few years - which are no more than a flash compared with eternity - being 'a time of emergency'. It's really ridiculous.
  • Today, as chief
Of the guardians of the sea
Of the land of the dawn,
I gaze up with awe
At the rising sun!

Alfred Damon Runyon

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