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!YOGA Yoga, in the Hindu philosophy, is a state of soul, emancipation from this life and of union with the divine, to be achieved by a life of asceticism and devout meditation. The system of instruction or discipline by which it is achieved is also known as Yoga. A great Indian sage, Patanjali, defines it as 'control over the tendencies of mind' (''Chittavritti nirodhah''). It is defined, in simple terms, as union, a union between individual existence and its source, the supreme existence. It is to make you realize your identity with the greater self, and also to make you know and tune in with your existing inner nature. Yoga also is a systematic science, its teachings are an integral part of most religions but yoga itself is not a religion. Most religion teaches what to do but yoga teaches how to be. Yoga, a 5,000 year old scientific technique for spiritual development, that at the very least will soothe your agitated senses and fill you with a sense of well-being. India is a land of inherent spirituality and people have been known to travel to India to find solace in its ancient wisdom since time immemorial. India is world-famous for its ancient knowledge of Yoga and Ayurveda. Yoga is an art of transforming the inert body to the level of vibrant mind in order to unite your body and mind into one with the serenity of the self or soul. Yoga helps in and rejuvenating your mind and soul and brings out the best in a person. At physical level most people have a body that is continually in a state of disruption with their inner organs, muscles and nerves no longer harmonize and assist each other. Yoga aims at bringing these things in a perfect coordination. So another definition of yoga is physical harmony and health. And at mental level many people suffer from mental disturbances in the form of conflicts, neuroses, phobia and so on, which can make them unhappy and depressed in their life. Here yoga aims to smooth out and eliminate mental problems. So yoga can also be defined as mental balance and mental peace. So we can say that by yoga we can work on the three aspect of human life as spiritual, physical and mental level. The science of yoga has developed a vast amount of techniques which all lead to the same point of unification of the mind-body-spirit. Karma Yoga : the way of right action, serving without the motivation of obtaining the results of labor. Bhakti Yoga : the way of devotion, devotion to a supreme being absorbing the emotions and self in pure love. Gyan Yoga : the way of knowledge, studying god and learning to discriminate between illusion and the reality that all is god. Hatha Yoga : the physical path, using the body through asana and pranayama to control the mind and senses. Kundalini Yoga : the path of energy, arousing the energy stored in the chakras through breathing and movement. Raja Yoga : the path of meditation, controlling the mind from wandering and obtaining mastery over thought. Yoga therapy is gaining popularity in modern society, just because medical treatments are sometimes becoming helpless in certain diseases. Most of the people turn to Yoga only when they have some health problem for which, one reason or another, medical treatment could not give satisfactory results. This is valid for many of the chronic diseases, which often can be attenuated but not cured and also for the psychosomatic ones, where the psychic factor is especially evident and which are therefore difficult to treat with the common medical methods. The approach, theoretical and practical, to disease, or better, to the person who is suffering from a disease, differs very much from the one of medical science. The latter tries to isolate the pathogenic factor - a micro-organism, a toxic substance, a metabolic disorder - and eliminate it. Of course, this principle is valuable, but it fails if the etiology is unknown. In this case the therapy must be symptom-oriented and often proves unsatisfactory. Yoga on the other hand, even if it doesn’t refuse the scientific explanation of a disease, looks at it from another point of view: from the personality of the patient. If he is ill there must be a deeper reason behind it - a disease doesn’t arise by chance. There is an imbalance, a disturbance in whole body-mind-complex, which creates a disease condition. The symptoms, the pathogenic factors, the name of the disease are not the main issue - the root cause lies elsewhere. Works on Yoga enumerate the following eight kinds of miraculous powers acquired by Yogis: 1. Anima (the faculty of reducing one's body to the size of an atom) 2. Mahima (tha power of expanding one's body to an infinitely large size) 3. Garima (the power of becoming infinitely heavy) 4. Laghima (the power of becoming infinitely light body) 5. Prapti (unrestricted access to all places) 6. Prakamya (realizing whatever one desires) 7. Ishitva (absolute lordship, and 8. Vashitva (subjugating all)

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