Corbyn is just now the leader of the Labour Parliamentary Party and the general elections are scheduled in 2020-less than five years away.A stedfast fighter for people’s causes, Corbyn is expected to lead the Labour Party to the day to day struggles both on economic and international issues and his supporters are confident that the Labour Party under his leadership will be vehicle of the movement and Corbyn with his sincerity and devotion will be able to enersine the Labour Party at the grass roots level even though at the top many leaders may decide not to work under him.As Corbyn has explained he will democratize the functioning of the Labour Party and under his leadership, the common party members will really decide on the policy parameters rather than the so called leaders.The new Labour Parliamentary leader wants to restore democracy at grass roots level and do away with the rule by coterie.

Corbyn has his problems since the new Labour leadership is not taking the defeat at the hands of their renowned ideological opponent easily. They will fight back and they will depend on the mistakes including some adventurism on Cobryn’s part.His support base is also varied at the moment and many extremist elements are supporting him.Corbyn has to come out with a clear programme on social, economic and international issues since he is now the shadow Prime Minister of the main opposition. What ever he says , will be taken as the view of the opposition party and not Jeremy Corbyn’s personal views as a member of parliament which was the position till September 12.

Corbyn proudly calls himself a socialist and he has been a campaigner and leader of the social movements.He has a big following among the trade unions and the broader left. He has no hesitation in taking on the British capital by calling for hiking corporate tax rates and calling for the nationalization of the railways.He has proposed the institution of a National Education Service modeled on the National Health service that would provide free education and increase education funding and has opposed the renewal of Britain’s Trident nuclear missile programme.The Labour Party leader is favorable to the idea of opening of bortders for migrants and he himself took part in the massive rally in London in support of the migrants as the newly elected leader of the Labour Party in Parliament.

Corbyn has got time till early 2020 to steer the course of the Labour Party on the basis of pro people policies for challenging the Conservative leadership at the general elections .The Conservative leadership is depending on the split in Labour ranks , especially in leadership due to the hard core leftwing policies of Cobryn.David Cameron belongs to a different category of political leaders who come to politics from the best universities of the country.His or Tony Blair types are favourites of the British middle class who do not favour much pro-trade union activities by the Labour Party.But the austerity programme of the Cameron Government has hit hard the lower sections of the British middle class also and there is a yearning for change to a new programme from the existing status quoits policies.Corbyn has been talking of a new programme. He is talking of a novel proposal termed “ People’s Quantitative Easing” which means that the Bank of England will invest in bonds to support a National Investment Bank that would build infrastructure, foster high tech growth and increase the supply of public housing.

That way Corbyn’s programme’s pro-people content is undisputed. He is talking of mass housing and his emphasis on education for the poor and creation of thousands of jobs through the Investment Bank, have got big response from the common British masses, crossing the party frontiers.Corbyn has been able to target the comparatively poorer sections of the Conservative Party support base who are affected by the austerity programme .The overwhelming support from the Labour conference has empowered Corbyn to constitute his own team which will cvarry out the new Deal for the british people on the basis of which he will fight the 2020 elections .The opportunity for a genuine left resurgence in Britain is now real and Cobryn has to ensure that his new leadership takes along the British masses including the underprivileged sections of the Conservative Party.

Corbyn’s emergence as the shadow Prime Minister for the Labour Party has deep implications for the European Left. The new Labour led by Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have proved themselves as the poor replicas of the Conservatives .The neo liberal policies which have led to the deprivation of the masses, continued during new Labour rule. The British working class was looking for a solid mass leader who will lead the Labour to a new direction with a positive action plan.Jeremy Corbyn, though a back bencher for thirty odd years, offered a new revival plan for Labour tuned to the aspirations of the British working masses. They responded positively to that.

Significantly, in Greece, the Syriza led by Prime Minister Alexis Tipirus was in power till recently and again the Greece people will participate on September 20 to elect the new Parliament . Syriza, the left wing combination is fighting to win this time also.In Spain, the left wing Podemos is gaining strength and Spain also will go for general election by the end of this year .There are movements against austerity and neoliberal policies throughout Europe .Corbyn’s victory is a part of that churning in Europe.He has to be a success to prove that the left programme is implementable and it is now the alternative to the neoliberalism of the west.(IPA)