Accordingly, certain proportion of development projects would be located in minority concentrated areas, and where possible, 15 per cent of targets and outlays are being earmarked for the minorities. Several programmes have been launched based on the recommendations of the Sachar Committee Report to improve the economic and educational status of the minorities.

Under the 11th Plan period, beginning April 1, 2007, Rs.800 crores has been provided for Merit-cum-Means based scholarship for professional courses, Rs.3,300 crores for post and pre-matric scholarship programmes for minority students and Rs.3,780 crores for the development of 90 minority concentration districts across the country. Added to this, the proportion of priority sector lending going to the minoritiy communities would be stepped up from the present 9 per cent to 15 percent. These initiatives are intended to be important pillars of the architecture of inclusive growth.

Added to these, the Planning Commission has constituted an autonomous Assessment and Monitoring Authority (AMA) to evaluate the extent of development benefits accruing to different Socio- Religious Communities (SRCs) through various programmes; to visit various places to have first hand information about conditions of Minorities; and to give directions to the concerned Central Ministries/ Departments, State Governments, U.T. Administrations to implement effectively the programmes for Minorities. No State level branch is envisaged
In the General Budget 2008-09, presented by the UNION Finance Minister on February 29, 2008 ( the leap year day), the allocation to the Ministry of Minority Affairs has been increased from Rs.500 crores in 2007-o8 to Rs.1000 crpres. The UPA Government has taken up the report of the Justice Rajinder Sachar Committee for speedy implementation.

Apart from the schemes taken up in 2007-08, several welfare measures have been initiated during the fiscal year 2008-09 for the welfare of minorities. Out of Rs.3,780 crores allocated for a multi-sectoral development plan for the remaining four years of the 11th Plan for the 90 identified Muslim concentrated districts in the country, Rs.540 crores has been provided during the financial year 2008-09. A pre-matric scholarship scheme for minorities with an allocation of Rs.80 crores in 2008-09 has been provided. Besides, Rs.45.45 crores has been provided for modernization of Madarsaa education during 2008-09. A sum of Rs.60 crores has been provided to enhance the corpus fund of the Maulana Azad Education Foundation during 2008-09. Continuing the recruitment of minorities especially the marginalized Muslims in the Central Para-Military Forces, started in 2007-08, more such candidates would be recruited in 2008-09. To ensure easy access to credit facilities, 544 branches of public sector banks have been opened in 90 identified districts with substantial Muslim population during 2007-2008, ending March 31, 2008. Many more such branches would be opened in 2008-09. This process would be continued until credit to Muslims is increased to 15 per cent from the current level of 9 per cent.

Minorities of India have had it never so good as during the UPA Government although the measures fall far from their expectations. Minorities expected that the UPA Government would allocate 15 per cent multi-sectoral development budget for them on par with the Special Component Plan for Scheduled Castes and Sub-Plan for Scheduled Tribes for a better sectoral implementation, quantification of benefits in terms of targeted development and accountability.

Nevertheless, the Planning Commission has agreed in principle to a proposal for sub-plan like the tribal sub-plan for the minorities, which after a wider debate and approval of the Union Cabinet most likely may see the light of the day for an assured and meaningful inclusive development, it is learnt authoritatively from the official sources. However, the divisive Sangh Parivar led by Bhartya Janata Party dubbed sops for minorities as 'communal budgeting' and 'minorities appeasements'.

But minorities especially Muslims, who have been subjected to institutionalized discriminations so long, have accepted it with a pinch of salt as something concrete and better than nothing heretofore. Credit for such unprecedented measures goes to the Left partners and the UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi. At least, the precedent and norms set by the UPA Government will be difficult for the future Central Government to undo or reverse.#